# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: V # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: edef # SPDX-License-Identifier: OSL-3.0 { lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; { # TODO(edef): could we somehow make this use DynamicUser? users.users.git = { isSystemUser = true; group = "git"; home = "/var/lib/git"; createHome = true; useDefaultShell = true; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFovWcdS0vQAJiEvwjEIUOv7eip52oX7rVOEMQDJkSL6 v@january" "cert-authority ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICbIBz0zkMCAggWcj1q/MX2j6gq+QGj3F3YXhokOf+6m openpgp:0xAADA9805" "cert-authority ssh-rsa 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 openpgp:0x803010E7" ]; packages = with pkgs; [ git ]; }; users.groups.git = {}; # TODO(V): Enable the reflog? declarative.git.repositories = flip genAttrs (repo: { hooks.post-receive = [ # FIXME(V): There are more than a number of issues with this! # - non-generic (we could use $GIT_DIR or such) # - requires an explicit remote (we could add this to the config) # - only updates trunk (even if other branches were pushed) # - has no way to filter specific branches from being published # - does not synchronize tags (pkgs.writeShellScript "sync-repository" '' git push trieste:${repo} trunk '') ]; }) [ # TODO(V): Take the list of public repositories from hosts/trieste/git.nix # (or do the inverse) # (or put this information in a shared location) "ripple" "ripple-website" "nixos-config" # Note: private repositories are currently not configured here. # If we find it acceptable to leak their names, they could take advantage of this module as well. ]; # TODO(V): Linting hooks (honestly, these should just go in CI) # - reuse lint # - check there's a (owner) for every TODO, FIXME, XXX, etc # - make sure everything has been run through rustfmt # TODO(V): An equivalent of Bors ("Tolby"?) for our workflow # (or, at least, a queue of commits that must individually pass CI to get merged) # TODO(V): Set up CI }