summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/fleet/hosts/trieste/cgit/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fleet/hosts/trieste/cgit/default.nix')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fleet/hosts/trieste/cgit/default.nix b/fleet/hosts/trieste/cgit/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23e8ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fleet/hosts/trieste/cgit/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: V <>
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: edef <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: OSL-3.0
+{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
+with lib;
+  cgit-webroot = pkgs.runCommand "cgit-webroot" {
+    extraStyles = ''
+      div#cgit table#header td.logo {
+        width: 64px;
+      }
+      #summary {
+        max-width: 72ch;
+        margin: auto;
+        font-size: initial;
+      }
+    '';
+    passAsFile = [ "extraStyles" ];
+  } ''
+    ${pkgs.minify}/bin/minify --type css ${pkgs.cgit}/cgit/cgit.css $extraStylesPath -o $out/cgit.css
+    cp ${./un.svg} $out/un.svg  # TODO(V): remove this variant, apply padding to the Sigil using CSS
+    cp ${./unicon.svg} $out/unicon.svg  # This is the same as un.svg, but without any padding
+    cp ${./ripple.svg} $out/ripple.svg  # This is referenced in git.nix (as config.cgit.logo, for Ripple)
+    cp ${pkgs.cgit}/cgit/robots.txt $out
+  '';
+  cgit-about-filter = pkgs.writeShellScript "cgit-about-filter" ''
+    # Asciidoctor's embedded mode defaults to eliding the top-level heading, for some reason.
+    # Fortunately we can change this behaviour using the showtitle attribute.
+    # See also:
+    ${pkgs.asciidoctor}/bin/asciidoctor -e -a showtitle -
+  '';
+  cgit-config = pkgs.writeText "cgit-config" ''
+    # TODO(V): sort these sanely
+    root-title=unfathomable software
+    root-desc=
+    # TODO(V): root-readme? what should go in here, contribution info? info about the server? info about the branch conventions?
+    enable-index-owner=0
+    logo=/un.svg
+    favicon=/unicon.svg
+    # TODO(V): footer={commit}
+    mimetype-file=${pkgs.mime-types}/etc/mime.types
+    # TODO(V): repository-sort=age?
+    # TODO(V): robots=none? (same as noindex, nofollow)
+    readme=:README.adoc
+    clone-prefix=
+    agefile=info/last-modified
+    about-filter=${cgit-about-filter}
+    # TODO(edef): commit-filter, for bug tracker links
+    source-filter=${pkgs.cgit}/lib/cgit/filters/
+    # TODO(edef): add snapshots once we start releasing things
+    # TODO(V): branch-sort=age?
+    enable-git-config=1
+    # Has to go last.
+    # Options set after this won't be applied due to how they're evaluated.
+    scan-path=/var/lib/git
+    # TODO(V): section-from-path?
+    # TODO(V): repository-specific logos
+    # TODO(V): other repository-specific options
+  '';
+in {
+  services.cgiserver.instances.cgit = {
+    description = "Lightweight Git web interface";
+    application = "${pkgs.cgit}/cgit/cgit.cgi";
+    environment.CGIT_CONFIG = "${cgit-config}";
+    serviceConfig.SupplementaryGroups = [ "git" ];
+    # TODO(V): Hardening options
+  };
+  # TODO(V): set up git-http-backend. Disable enable-http-clone when we've done that?
+  services.caddy.config = ''
+ {
+      import common
+      root * ${cgit-webroot}
+      @exists file
+      route {
+        file_server @exists
+        reverse_proxy unix//run/cgit/cgit.sock
+      }
+    }
+  '';
+ = [
+    # Regenerate the static pack and ref indices used by the dumb git protocol
+    # TODO(V): Remove this once we set up git-http-backend
+    (pkgs.writeShellScript "update-server-info" ''
+      git update-server-info
+    '')
+    # Update the last-modified timestamp that cgit uses to measure freshness
+    (pkgs.writeShellScript "update-agefile" ''
+      git for-each-ref \
+        --sort=-creatordate --count=1 \
+        --format='%(creatordate:iso)' \
+        >info/last-modified
+    '')
+  ];